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The SilverLungs Colloidal Silver Generator

The industry leading silver solution generator that produces endless nano silver solutions fast and easy!

ionic • colloidal • nano

SilverLungs colloidal silver generator worldwide


SilverLungs has pioneered an innovative lung delivery system for your self-produced silver solutions.

Nebulize colloidal silver

Breathing a silver solution targets the respiratory system directly and allows for instant bloodstream delivery.

Instant bloodstream delivery of colloidal silver

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What is Colloidal Silver?

What is Nano Silver?

Consumers Beware!

Silver solution companies will perpetually strive to persuade you that their silver solution is "unparalleled" and necessitates manufacturing in a state-of-the-art laboratory. However, they would rather keep you unaware of the fact that you can easily produce your own silver solutions within the comfort of your home.

Laboratory Analysis

The 8.4 nm average particle sizes shown in our analysis are based on particles of pure silver.

SilverLungs particle size

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Beware of particle size claims of .0008 micron and 0.8 nm!

These particles are not pure metallic silver particles (i.e. colloidal), but rather silver oxide particles.

Explained: During the TEM Microscopy process, silver oxide particles are inadvertently generated when the water is extracted from a test sample of silver solution prior to analysis. This removal of water is necessary for this specific microscopic imaging technique, which causes the remaining silver ions (ionic silver) to react with available oxygen. Consequently, these newly formed silver oxide particles are discovered to have a size of approximately 0.0008 micron or 0.8 nm.

This deceptive reporting strategy is employed by other companies that analyze ionic silver solutions instead of authentic colloidal silver solutions.

Silver ions and silver oxide particles should not be mistaken for pure metallic silver particles known as colloids. Their composition and properties are fundamentally different.

Colloidal and Ionic Silver

The term "colloidal" is one of the most misused and misrepresented words used in today's market when it comes to the vast majority of silver solutions.

The general consumer only knows one word; colloidal. It is quite evident that the term "ionic," which aptly characterizes the majority of silver solutions, remains largely unknown to the average consumer.

Silver solution manufacturers are well aware that the average consumer is unfamiliar with the term "ionic" and would never risk labeling their product anything other than colloidal silver.

Proper Terminology

Colloidal Silver is properly defined as a solution of silver particles. A silver particle is two or more silver atoms.

Silver particles, being pure metal, exist independently without being ionic or bound to any other substances. Within specific size ranges, these silver particles have the ability to alter the color of the solution, transitioning from yellow to brown as the concentration increases towards 100 PPM and beyond.

Yellow colloidal silver

Ionic silver, as it should be accurately defined, refers to a solution comprised of silver ions. These silver ions are positively charged atoms of silver and represent the smallest form of silver that can exist. It is important to note that ionic silver solutions are colorless in appearance rather than yellow as is the case with a true colloidal silver solution.

Ionic silver